Posts Tagged ‘betting strategy’

The Fixed Bank Percent – Another Financial Betting Strategy

It’s the second strategy of the financial management, which has almost the same level of difficulty. The sense of the strategy is that you decide the sum of your bank (the sum of the rates which you’re choosing for the rates in the office) and the sum of each of your rate is the same […]

Sport Betting Strategy: The Fixed Sum Of The Rate

The fixed sum of the rate, I think you’ve also heard about it as about a flat-betting –belongs to the financial management, exists from its very beginning and is very easy. Playing with the help of this strategy you bet always the same sum of money, and there is no difference on what event.

Let’s Speak About The “Goings After” Betting Strategy

So what are these “goings after”? This is a strategy of the stakes, using which the player chooses a special event (I mean the event he likes) and during the period of the time he bets on it. While this is the player has a loss he makes the stake bigger in that way, till […]

Oscar Graind’s Betting System

As the D’Alamber’s system this was made for the roulette. That’s why here there is the definition “unit” too. It means the size of your first stake and also the sum on which the size of the stake will grow. In the roulette game it’s a chip, while playing in the office it can be […]